
Showing posts from August, 2019

Freddie Andalaft: Rental Property Tips

Freddie Andalaft has good experience in developing and managing numerous rental properties and he often recommends that other driven professionals explore the realm of real estate investing. Rental property tips like these are similar to what you might receive if you asked Freddie Andalaft , for advice: Do Your Own Research: Learn as much as you can about real estate investing and the rental market. Take courses, read books, find a mentor, shadow a professional or attend local seminars. Also read previous post:  Freddie Andalaft: Things to Avoid in Real Estate Investment Know Your Finances You need to understand the costs of repairs, maintenance, taxes, mortgage payments and more before investing in or renting a property. Speak with a financial professional at least once to get all of your costs in order and estimate what your annual net cashflow will be. If you’re serious about getting into real estate, contact with Freddie Andalaft for d

Freddie Andalaft: Things to Avoid in Real Estate Investment

Freddie Andalaft know how challenging it can be to locate and secure a good opportunity. Even with considerable resources of time poured into such background work as research, property evaluation and assessment, a potentially lucrative opportunity can flip, fall through the cracks and end up becoming a drain on your finances.  Also read previous post:  Freddie Andalaft: Types of Property Investment This is why it’s always important to know not just what to do prior to any real estate investment, but what to avoid. The so-called “don’ts” of property investment include: Forgetting your Goals:  Forgetting your goals. Losing track of the objectives you set out to achieve in the first place can become a resource-draining trip down the rabbit hole in a hurry. Rushing into the Investment: Even though research isn’t always a perfect process, it’s always better to take your time and vet an investment before committing your money.  Neglecting to see the